Monday, January 20, 2014

Workshop Floors (Top Coat)

Oh the last step of this floor journey. Thank The Lord!!! Sunday morning I painted the top coat to my floors with a glossy polyurethane. I was a little concerned with the bubbles it leaves after applying but no worries they go away.

I went around edges & corners with a paint brush first then rolled on the remainder of the building. 

 Be sure to paint yourself out the door & collect your belongs as you approach that side & head out the door. Unless you want to leave them in there all night.

Clean up & let them dry over night & viola!!! Beautiful floors the next morning. 

Sorry for the glare & naked baby. I was anxious to go check on them. 

Case LOVES them!!!! He gives them a 👍!! 

Can't wait to move in now. Guess I will leave them be till next weekend so they can really cure. I haven't figured out yet what I'm doing to the walls yet so they will be next.

Workshop Floors (Painting the Stencil)

Well Saturday night consisted of painting my stencil finally onto my floor. I taped the stencil down with blue painters tape to help the stencil not move around while I was painting. I chose to do 5 stencils total. I didn't want to cover my floors in stencil just a little pattern here & there.

The first stencil was the best of them all. As it got later & the more tired I got my stencils were less than perfect. I was going for perfect though. I didn't want it to seem as though I tried too hard. I like the look of imperfections, I just have a hard time not doing things 100% so the wine helped with that lol. See below. No worries I will touch that up in the morning.

Finally finished. Will let dry tonight & do the top coat tomorrow morning. The end is near.

Workshop Floors (Making Stencil)

So I had hubby stop our local appliance shop & he brought me home a dryer box. Perfect! Thanks hubs!

I used mixing bowls for there perfect circles to draw out my stencil. I also used a pencil to draw it out.

My stencil inspiration came from the Pinterest post below. 

After I finished drawing it with pencil, I went over it with a black marker so y'all could see. See above.

I then began cutting it out with a kitchen knife b/c my exacto knife was ????? Who knows where. See below.

After cutting out my stencil I began covering it in packaging tape so that when painting it didn't soak up the paint in my cardboard box. See below.

You can see the glare there once finished.

Off to bed so I can begin painting my stencil tomorrow. Yawn!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Workshop Floors Project (Painting)

They're DRY!!!! I can finally start painting!!! Whoo hoo!!!

I painted myself right out the door. :)

Now to let dry AGAIN!!!! I have zero patience for drying :-/ Off to the grocery store & make dinner. Until tomorrow...

Workshop Floors Project (Priming)

I have such a SWEET HUBBY!!!! He surprised Friday evening when I got home from work. He had come home early from work Friday & so thoughtfully took it upon himself to prime my floors for me. Yayyy!!! Looks like I will get to paint this weekend after all.

All I have to do is cut in, dry time, & I can finally start painting!!!!!

Above is my painting buddy, she managed to finish out the day paint less. She could also be mistaken for a fur ball or mop lol but she's my 1st baby. ;)

All done cutting in & touching up. Dry baby dry!!!

Workshop Floors Project (Sanding)

Well I never got around to posting but I did manage to get my floors sanded on Wednesday night. Never underestimate the power of a hand sander. Thank you Daddy!!! I had planned to just do it by hand but my daddy brought me his hand sander so of course I used it.

Finally...all done

Time for Priming!!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Stuffed Bell Peppers

So in my mad attempts to start eating healthier this year I have began the search for healthy recipes. Doesn't seem like it'd be that hard to do right?! Wrong! Healthy eating means sacrifices I've come to determine. But owell New Year, New Me, New Us!!! It's time to get my family eating healthy.

So I pinned this recipes on Pinterest, actually it was my very first pinned recipe however many years ago that Pinterest became popular yet I've still never tried it.  Being as though I like bell peppers & my hubby doesn't I figure that's why. But I finally decided who gives a rat I'm making it, he will eat it or starve. This is the picture on Pinterest I pinned...

And this was the recipe for all you non dieters...

I modified it a smidgen & used extra lean ground turkey instead of Italian sausage & used salt, pepper & Tony Chacheres for seasoning instead of whatever it lists. 

It...Was...Amazing!!!! It is now my husbands new fave dinner recipe. Who would've guessed?!

Try it & enjoy!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Workshop Floors Project

So first off in decorating my new building is the floors. My floors are a sub flooring, plywood. I can choose to lay linoleum, vinyl, laminate, hardwood, or whatever but I'm really interested in this cheap effective beautiful painted/stenciled way I have been recently researching so here goes. Hope all goes well. I'm going to try to post nightly updates as I finish each night. It goes in steps & you have to wait for each step to either bond or dry so it'll be over the week. So here goes...

I should start by saying I'm not a professional, I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm always willing to try new things in hopes they work out & leave you with an idea for decorating of your own. 

I purchased all of my materials at Lowe's.  Below is a picture of materials needed for this project. If I run across more materials needed I shall too let you know.

First off clean your plywood free of dust, dirt, pieces of recent construction, etc. By doing so I started off sweeping & then decided to heck with that & ended it with vacuuming REALLY REALLY GOOD!!! 

I'm done vacuuming so now begins the 2nd step of filling in any gaps in the plywood, nail holes etc.

I will be using a Wood Filler & spatula as shown below to do so. 

What I'm filling in are gaps & separations such as these. 

A little energy coffee drink to get me through lol hopefully

Let the filling begin, the hubs called in that dinner was ready & afterwards he even came & helped. 

Couple hours later...finally finished filling

Off to bed until tomorrow...goodnight!! 😘